Moving to Conservers host compost panel at Pisgah Group Sierra Club meeting – folks are changing their habits!
Thursday, February 22nd at 7 pm the Pisgah Group of the Sierra Club hosted Moving to Conservers, who delivered a panel presentation on composting. Elizabeth Pell of the group organized a panel that consisted of herself as moderator, Maureen Copelof of Brevard's city council, Kenn Webb of Transylvania County Solid Waste Authority, Ron Wingard a county resident, Bart Renner of the county extension office and Zoe Muhalis is a 15-year-old high school student. The meeting was well attended and a lot of questions were asked. I spoke to one couple after the presentation and they have decided to build their own compost bin. Fantastic! I think the most powerful part of the presentation for myself was hearing what Ron had to say. He and his wife had started to compost on January 1st of 2018. He said, as a result, he expects instead of taking over 20 bags of trash to the dump this year he will take 6 or less! Wow! That is a lot of waste [...]