SEED libraries (especially Natives), another great way to share, to support our ecology
Seed Library - another great way of sharing and saving our environment What is this? You may have seen some of these little free library boxes around that people use to share books. The idea behind these seed libraries is similar in that people can share seeds. We hope this works well so we share seed, ESPECIALLY NATIVES! Have you spotted one in T Cty yet? Who wants to build one for your neighborhood? Expect to see them soon, at the Canteen, St. Paul's Episcopal, at the RR Native Plant Garden in Brevard ... and/or .....? How do I use it? As with the lil' book libraries, put and take. And this is the beginning of the native plant seed season ... Small envelopes needed - ordinary postal ones would do Small trays to hold them on an up slant (so seeds don't fall out). Those take-out food ones might do. On each envelope (print small): name (scientific is GOOD, common works), special planting notes (shade/sun) There is [...]