We sure do miss seeing everyone and sharing a meal together.  There is no doubt our stress level is significantly reduced right now because of the changes we have made in our lives because of the help and support of Moving to Conservers.  We are grateful for our loving community.

This current situation is the type Moving to Conservers has been preparing for.  Our focus has been on moving our community to a more sustainable one, especially when it comes to producing our own food.  By promoting a zero-waste community we have learned so many different ways to live that have significantly reduced our waste and increased our resilience.

Moving to one bag of trash a year came with small and big changes.  It is amazing how we live our lives now, how we eat, and how we examine every bit of “waste” before committing it to the “trash”.

We have learned that there is no such thing as disposable.  It usually goes somewhere else and usually impacts those less fortunate.  It has been an amazing journey.

Now that we have had time to settle into our current situation, folks are ready to talk about what is next, so let’s do it!

We are hosting a conference call this Thursday at 6 pm.  No internet is needed, just a telephone.  We would love to have you join the call.  Here are the details.  We look forward to hearing your voice!  Be safe.  Stay well.

Much love.


You Have Been Invited to a Meeting

When: 4/30/20 6:00 PM – (US/Eastern)

Duration: 30 minutes

Conference Call: (515) 604-9916

Access code: 523174#

Notes: Gathering for conversation and local action. Would love to hear your voice. 🙂
Be well.

Instructions: At the scheduled date and time, dial into the conference. When prompted, enter the access code followed by pound or hash (#).