Our new website continues to grow and the most recent item is our zero-waste business directory. We list local businesses who have made moves towards zero-waste. It is always growing and we are grateful to the businesses who share their news with us to share with our readership. Please let us know if you know of a local business who is working to eliminate waste in our community.
New Business Directory
By Kim Coram|2019-07-07T17:05:00-04:00July 7th, 2019|Categories: Moving to Zero-waste, Zero-waste tips|
About the Author: Kim Coram
Kim Coram is retired from The Bureau of the Public Debt, US Treasury Department where she served as an IT manager in a variety of disciplines ranging from computer security to website management. She is an US Air Force veteran and was an Explosive Ordnance Disposal Specialist. She was elected to Parkersburg, WV's city council where she served a 4-year term. Kim loved WV and decided to move after seeing the impact fracking has had and continues to have on this once paradise. She is now retired and lives in Cedar Mountain, NC where she enjoys clean drinking water, riding bikes with her husband, John, and taking her grandchildren on grand adventures in her "backyard".