Shane, owner of GreenGo cleaning products was organizing the Indie Pop-up Flea Market, which was held in the Lumberyard District June 9th. She asked if we could work with her and move the event to a zero-waste event. We said heck yea!
Shane owns a cleaning company and makes her own cleaning products and sells them at our local farmers market. She distributes them in glass, which you can bring back and have refilled. Reuse is key to zero-waste! Thanks Shane for being a great business model!
Shane worked through the health department and found out everything we needed to do to provide re-useable silverware for the food truck meals and we did it. Thanks to Cedar Mountain Cafe stepping in at the last moment, we were able to wash the silverware in a health department approved kitchen. Thank you Lucia!
We had a great event. Not only did we have a silverware station, we had a compost station and collected plates, napkins and such. Shane required that all vendors not use single use plastic items.
Some of our members walked around and looked for opportunities to reduce waste and shared our observations with Shane. We need more organizers like her in my opinion!
We had agreed to work the event for a $50 donation to Rise and Shine’s garden shed project. Shane doubled the donation at the end of the day and we delivered $100 to Rise and Shine as a result. Thank you Shane!
Do you have an event you would like to move to zero-waste? Let us know. We would love to learn and work together.