Maureen sent this request for help and we wanted to pass it along.

Blue Zone project is having their big kick-off event on Aug 22nd from 10 to 1.  They are going to be having a series of booths in their parking lot where they are giving out info etc.  Sort of a small Farmers Market…same social distancing precautions etc.
I have volunteered to man the garden booth where they will be giving out seeds for fall planting… kale, spinach, arugula and I think they are getting some plant starts from Gaia to also give away (kale, chard, collards, broccoli, cabbage).  I’m wondering if there is anyone from the Conservers who would like to come and help man the booth with me?  Can you put out the word and see if anyone feels comfortable doing this.  We will have spacing between booths, masks required, hand sanitizer.
If you are interested in helping, please let Maureen know by emailing her at [email protected]