My gosh we are rockin’ it!
Woo hoo! Moving to Conservers. We are doing amazing things through study, conversation, and local action! As I made my list of topics to cover in the upcoming newsletter, I was stunned by what we have going on! So many of you are bringing zero-waste suggestions to other groups. Many of you are modeling the behavior and aiding the group as they move to a zero-waste practice. Thank you. I wish I could share the joy I receive in emails and on phone conversations when guiding someone in our community who wants to incorporate zero-waste practices in their lives. I [...]
Interested in presenting on our behalf at the Food Waste Solutions Summit?
We received the following email and wanted to share. If you are interested in submitting a proposal to present about our work, let us know. The deadline is October 20th to submit a proposal. Hi John, I have been following your zero waste group from afar and would like to connect. I am on the board of the NC composting council and we are hosting a happy hour social at Sierra Nevada Oct 25th with the goal of bringing together the composting and zero waste community of WNC. We would love for you to spread word within your group and [...]
Not everything should be convenient
A friend recently mentioned a book she read, Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. I have made a goal to read more so I went to the library and checked it out. Robin is a scientist, a Distinguished Teaching Professional of Environmental Biology and a member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. The book compares the scientific communities views on biology to those of her nation. It talks about the community between plants and humans and how they have evolved. It talks about the honor and gratitude they have for each other. She talks about going out in the Spring to [...]
Transylvania Shares planning notes from October 2, 2019
Hello All, We had our most recent Coop Committee meeting last Wednesday, October 2, at Oskar Blues. We covered marketing topics. In attendance: James, Kim, Gail, John, Kathleen and Ed. We covered marketing and related topics. Here is a summary of the meeting: Firstly, Kim wanted to add a new Principle to our List of Principles: 'We will prioritize purchasing used equipment over new' This was discussed and agreed upon by the group. The first question that we discussed was 'Who can Join the Coop'. The answer is any resident of Transylvania County, upon making application. The second question was 'How [...]
Sharing sharing sharing…
My gosh have we been busy sharing dishes and such with members of our community who are working to reduce waste. It is fantastic how many people have spread the word about our wares and services. Julia Kennerly and Su Slover have been amazing advocates. They have shared the word and stepped up to personally make events they are involved in zero-waste. Julia shared that her first event only created ½ a grocery plastic bag of trash and most of that was brought in from attendees (disposable coffee cups and such.) Wendy shared word about our composting work in the [...]
Happy 2nd Anniversary Moving to Conservers!
Can you believe we are 2 years old this month? Two years ago, 8 of us got together for a zero-waste potluck dinner and to study a video course on resilience from the Post Carbon Institute. Those 8 people shared the word and now we are a group of hundreds. Wow. To celebrate we are gathering at the Peace House (one of our original meeting spots) this Thursday at 6 pm for a zero-waste potluck and party. Su and Rob have graciously opened their space to us for this wonderful gathering. Su has put together a wonderful evening and we [...]