Use Food Scraps Poster Unveil is this Friday at the TNRC meeting!

In March, we hosted the Use Food Scraps symposium.  A part of the event was an essay contest where members of our community gave suggestions for keeping food out of our landfill.  Those suggestions have been used to create a community poster!  We received a $100 donation to print the posters and the poster will be unveiled during our presentation to the Transylvania Natural Resource Council this Friday. Many thanks to everyone who made this possible and to Thea for using her skills to analyze these essays and bring them together as a community asset!

Sharing Coop Steering Committee Minutes of 22Aug2019

We had a productive meeting this past Thursday evening at Oskar Blues. Sue, Kathleen and Owen, we missed y'all there. I have attached the document that we used as a basis for discussion. (Moving to Conservers Cooperative Discussion) To all: please review the the information below and let me/all know of any corrections: We discussed the 3 questions on our discussion sheet and they are summarized as follows: 1. What is the need that the Cooperative will meet? Summary: We will build community by loaning tools and other items so that members will not have to purchase when needed. 2. What products or services will the Cooperative provide? Summary: Tools, Dishes/Event Items, Sporting Goods and Party Items. 3. Is it feasible? A: Who would be the potential members? How many potential members are there? Summary: A: Membership would be open to anyone in our community. B: We made a conservative estimate that about 200 people would be initial members (there are about that number on the Moving to [...]

By |2019-08-25T20:11:13-04:00August 25th, 2019|Categories: Connecting with nature, Gatherings, Moving to Zero-waste, Sharing Club|

Zero-Waste Hikes with Rise and Shine Scholars

This summer, we have organized 12 hikes with Rise and Shine scholars and have completed 4 of them. John and I love spending time in the woods with them. The volunteers who help make this possible bring an amazing variety of talents to each hike and make each unique. We hope, by connecting the hikers to trails in their neighborhood, they will continue to explore them after our organized hikes are finished. We hope they will connect with nature during these outings and develop a love for conserving our amazing surroundings. We can always use more volunteers. If you are interested in helping, let us know. We hike every Monday and Wednesday from 1 - 4 pm through July 1st.

By |2019-07-07T16:58:31-04:00July 7th, 2019|Categories: Connecting with nature|

Rise and Shine summer hiking club

On June 24th, we kicked off the Rise and Shine summer hiking club.  Mary, of 4-H worked with the scholars to define the values and rules for each hiking group.  She also helped the scholars create a journal so that they could document their experiences over the 6 weeks of the hiking club.  While each of the 3 hiking groups worked with Mary, we hiked the other 2 groups toward Bracken Mountain Preserver to teach them how close this amazing trail system and gateway is to their home. It is such a gift to spend time in the woods young minds.  I highly recommend it. It is only because of community volunteers these hikes are happening.  Thanks to all of them and Rise and Shine for allowing us to hike with the scholars!

By |2019-06-27T16:51:01-04:00June 27th, 2019|Categories: Connecting with nature, Gatherings, Help a Neighbor|
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