Compost, compost, compost compost!  A day rarely goes by when John and I don’t receive a request to help someone with their compost.  We are currently working to accommodate three different compost requests.

First, folks are asking if we can pick up their food scraps.

Second, folks are asking if we can help them set up their own compost bin and help maintain it.

Third, we are working with an organization to help them set-up an onsite compost facility so they can divert food scraps from the landfill.

Awareness of the value of composting is definitely on the rise.  We need help.

How can you help?  Sign up with Share Waste.

Do you want food scraps?  We need more places to take food scraps.  If you would like more scraps for your compost system, please let us know.  Even better, sign up on the Share Waste app and let folks know!

Do you want your scraps picked up?  Sign up on the Share Waste app and let folks know!

Signing up for Share Waste is a great first step!  It shows the demand in our community.