Our last gathering before the lock down of the pandemic was our annual seed swap. I enjoyed growing some of those seeds last year. I always enjoy shared seeds and plants. They have a story and I smile when I tend to the plants and remember the soul who shared them. We have beautiful Cardinal flowers and Green and Golds given to us by friends and they warm my heart every time I see them. It is like they are in our garden, beautifying it.

Noel of our Eating Consciously team, sent me some seeds out of the blue last year and we have been enjoying the Arugula and Collards since. It was so nice to receive a surprise in the mail with a handwritten loving note.

Noel and I were recently discussing seed swapping and we both were thinking of how to do it during a pandemic and she suggested using the US Mail. I loved it! I think hand-written letters sent in the mail are a precious gift and add seeds to that, how delightful.

Here is what we came up with and your suggestions are most welcome.

It is time to get ready for our annual seed swap!

A note from Noel:

Put your thinking caps on about seeds you have to share. So many seeds are tossed every year as folks do not understand viability. Yes, seeds are teeny but they hold the power to create food!

I always suggest upon purchasing a packet of seeds that one write the ‘expiry’ date on the package.  Saves money, saves seeds and then one can share! The following charts can help.



Here are the simple steps for our seed exchange:

  1. Take a couple of weeks to get your seeds in order
  2. Send you contact info and what seeds they have to share to me at [email protected]
  3. I will catalog the information and share it and folks can take it from there.

I look forward to opening an envelope with seeds and a note from a caring community member.  Thank you Noel.

Peace and love.