Moving to Zero Waste2019-06-06T11:46:53-04:00

How do you feel about starting potlucks again?

Picture above:  A Moving to Conservers gathtering at Rooster Head Farm It has been over a year since we have gathered as Moving to Conservers.  Now that John and I are part owners of the Cedar Mountain Canteen, we feel we have a home for Conservers to enjoy and use as a demonstration site to show how to move to zero-waste, compost, plant food and love each other. The Canteen has a wonderful outdoor garden on the Little River and we are ready to host Moving to Conservers' gatherings if you feel it is time to do that again.  All [...]

By |April 11th, 2021|Categories: Eating Consciously, Gatherings, Moving to Zero-waste|

The Sharing House needs help with composting and they have reached out to us. Can you help?

We received an email this week from the Sharing House asking if we could help them learn to manage the compost bins built for them.  I told them absolutely, yes.  Are you interested in helping?  Please let us know.  Creating soil is one of the greatest things we can do for the earth as so much is being turned into dirt, void of life.  Let's help the Sharing House!  Send an email to [email protected] if you are interested in helping.  Thanks and thanks Sharing House for asking!

By |April 11th, 2021|Categories: Composting, Help a Neighbor, Moving to Zero-waste, Use Food Scraps|

No more ‘cup to go’ please!

Time to remember to ALWAYS carry your own cup. It's more than just coffee, too, it's all those throw-away drinks, covered food trays. And don't forget the sippers! (Though so far, I've not found one that truly works, so maybe we DON'T need straws?) Here's the story  ...   Is your recycled item TRULY recycled? To sustain a thriving café culture, we must ditch the disposable cup.  Date: March 1, 2021 Source: University of South Australia Summary: Takeaway coffees - they're a convenient start for millions of people each day, but while the caffeine perks us up, the disposable cups [...]

By |March 2nd, 2021|Categories: Moving to Zero-waste|

Want to help with a community trash clean up on March 13th?

We received this wonderful email and request from one of our members.  Please let Yvette know if you can help!  What a wonderful way to celebrate a holiday, working together and building community!  Thanks Yvette for reaching out and organizing this! Hi there, I am part of your Moving to Conservers group. I am reaching out to you from my non-profits email today though because we are partnering with Brevard Rotary to do trash pick up on Wilson Rd on March 13th. Would you and some of your members be willing to join my team? I need 5+ people to [...]

The Cedar Mountain Canteen is open and focused on being zero-waste

The Cedar Mountain Canteen is open!  Owners John and myself and Greg and Stephanie Thomas opened the day before Thanksgiving and it was everything we hoped it would be, awesome!  We are striving to operate at zero-waste and that will be closer to a reality when we get our commercial dish washing facility installed. We have also set up a prototype recycling station we will make permanent after testing it for a bit.  The response has been wonderful and we look forward to creating a model zero-waste operation. Our hours are Thursday thru Monday from 3 - 7 pm.  We [...]

By |December 7th, 2020|Categories: Composting, Moving to Zero-waste|

Want some vinyl campaign signs to re-purpose? How about trophies?

For me, one of the most interesting parts of moving to a zero-waste community is looking at the thought of waste differently.  I often ask myself: When and why did it become OK to waste something? There are so many businesses we need in our community to support a move to zero-waste it is exciting.  The first in my mind is a business that helps us divert food waste from the landfill.  We received so many excellent ideas during our essay contest to solve that problem.  We have put some in practice and need to continue to do that at [...]

By |November 16th, 2020|Categories: Moving to Zero-waste, Use Food Scraps|
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