About Kim Coram

Kim Coram is retired from The Bureau of the Public Debt, US Treasury Department where she served as an IT manager in a variety of disciplines ranging from computer security to website management. She is an US Air Force veteran and was an Explosive Ordnance Disposal Specialist. She was elected to Parkersburg, WV's city council where she served a 4-year term. Kim loved WV and decided to move after seeing the impact fracking has had and continues to have on this once paradise. She is now retired and lives in Cedar Mountain, NC where she enjoys clean drinking water, riding bikes with her husband, John, and taking her grandchildren on grand adventures in her "backyard".

Join us for a potluck on Thursday June 17th at 6 pm & and a class on about applied mycology from Leif

We will host a potluck on Thursday June 17th at 6 pm at the Cedar Mountain Canteen. Please bring a covered dish to share and your own non-disposable place setting. Plant-based meals are encouraged and all dishes are welcome. Everyone is welcome to join us. We look forward to getting together. At 6:30 pm we will enjoy an informal talk by Leif Olsen about applied mycology and focus on having plenty of Q&A about topics people are interested in. Leif Olson is an environmental scientist and educator with a background spanning ecological field research, environmental chemistry, soil health management and mushroom farming. He worked for two years as a cultivation manager at Pisgah Gourmet, a local mushroom farm in Brevard, NC and currently operates Integrated Land Enhancement, an environmental consulting and education business based in Asheville, NC.  Leif has taught all over the country about fungi, soil, plants, compost and more. He also started co-hosting the Applied Mycology podcast earlier this year, a show featuring discussions with co-host [...]

Join us for a zero-waste potluck gathering at the Cedar Mountain Canteen and learn from Mountaintrue about being a good neighbor to the river

Well we asked if you were ready to get back together and the answer was YES YES YES!  Thanks for the enthusiastic responses. We will host our first potluck of 2021 on Thursday June 3rd at 6 pm at the Cedar Mountain Canteen located at 10771 Greenville Highway in Cedar Mountain.  Please bring a covered dish to share and your own non-disposable place setting.  Plant-based meals are encouraged and all dishes are welcome.  Everyone is welcome to join us.  We look forward to getting together. At 6:30 pm we will enjoy a presentation from Anna of Mountaintrue on how to be a good neighbor to the river.  The Little River runs beside the Canteen and we are excited to learn ways we can be good stewards.  Here is some information about Anna: Anna Alsobrook, Watershed Outreach Coordinator As MountainTrue’s Watershed Outreach Coordinator, Anna facilitates volunteer water quality monitoring and restoration programs in the French Broad River watershed. She can be found all over the watershed taking samples, removing invasive species, [...]

By |2021-05-21T12:37:05-04:00May 21st, 2021|Categories: Connecting with nature, Gatherings|

How do you feel about starting potlucks again?

Picture above:  A Moving to Conservers gathtering at Rooster Head Farm It has been over a year since we have gathered as Moving to Conservers.  Now that John and I are part owners of the Cedar Mountain Canteen, we feel we have a home for Conservers to enjoy and use as a demonstration site to show how to move to zero-waste, compost, plant food and love each other. The Canteen has a wonderful outdoor garden on the Little River and we are ready to host Moving to Conservers' gatherings if you feel it is time to do that again.  All the owners of the Canteen are fully vaccinated and we would love to see you again.  Our gathering size is limited to 21 at the moment as that is how many we can safely host and social distance. Please let us know your thoughts.  We look forward to sharing together again.

By |2021-04-11T08:47:39-04:00April 11th, 2021|Categories: Eating Consciously, Gatherings, Moving to Zero-waste|

The Sharing House needs help with composting and they have reached out to us. Can you help?

We received an email this week from the Sharing House asking if we could help them learn to manage the compost bins built for them.  I told them absolutely, yes.  Are you interested in helping?  Please let us know.  Creating soil is one of the greatest things we can do for the earth as so much is being turned into dirt, void of life.  Let's help the Sharing House!  Send an email to [email protected] if you are interested in helping.  Thanks and thanks Sharing House for asking!

By |2021-04-11T08:37:25-04:00April 11th, 2021|Categories: Composting, Help a Neighbor, Moving to Zero-waste, Use Food Scraps|

Moving to Conservers Members helping us create a food forest at the Cedar Mountain Canteen

Growing food organically and planting native plants and trees is one of our passions.  John and I are now part owners of the Cedar Mountain Canteen and we want the community to enjoy locally grown food so we are busy planting.  We have planted 2 peach trees, rhubarb, blueberry bushes, strawberries, and are planning on much more as the weather warms up.  We have also planted 2 Red Bud trees and 1 Dogwood in the garden for shade. We planted bee balm, a native flower.  Our dear friend Susan Sunflower brought us native Green and Golds and planted them at the base of our shade trees and also blessed us with a couple of Oconee Bells, a rare native flower. Michael Plauche of the Transylvania County Bird Club brought us 4 bird boxes for our food forest as well.  We have found nesting birds are one of the greatest forms of natural pest control. We received some gorgeous hanging baskets from some of our neighbors for the garden [...]

By |2021-04-11T08:16:13-04:00April 11th, 2021|Categories: Composting, Eating Consciously, Food, Gatherings, Growing food, Help a Neighbor, Use Food Scraps|

Seeds and plants available for our seed swap

Many thanks to Noel for putting together our virtual seed swap this year.  Unfortunately, she is unable to participate further at this time.  She is a great motivator and organizer and we are grateful for her energy and attention. Here is a list of seeds and plants we have available.  You don't need to provide seeds to get seeds. These are free to anyone who can use them.  Thanks for sharing and for helping keep seed diversity alive. Dakota Black Popcorn Little Blue Popcorn Bloody Butcher Corn (Dent) Oaxaca Green Corn (Dent) Stowell's Evergreen Sweet Corn Hidatsa Shield Figure Bean Greasy Cut Short Bean Jacob's Cattle Bean The following seeds are available from Tory Nergert.  Please email Torry at [email protected] if you would like any of the seeds below. If you are interested in any of the items below, please contact Kim or John at [email protected] Iris - we have a mat of them.  They need divided and you are welcome to as many as [...]

By |2021-03-08T11:21:28-05:00March 8th, 2021|Categories: Growing food, Help a Neighbor|

Transylvania Shares needs board members and volunteers

Transylvania Shares is looking for volunteers and board members.  We have received amazing donations like an electric lawnmower and tiller, power tools, a case of white tablecloths and on and on.  We need help getting our inventory updated, getting more members, you name it.  If you are interested in helping Transylvania Shares, contact them at [email protected]

By |2021-03-01T10:24:34-05:00March 1st, 2021|Categories: Help a Neighbor, Sharing Club|

Want to help with a community trash clean up on March 13th?

We received this wonderful email and request from one of our members.  Please let Yvette know if you can help!  What a wonderful way to celebrate a holiday, working together and building community!  Thanks Yvette for reaching out and organizing this! Hi there, I am part of your Moving to Conservers group. I am reaching out to you from my non-profits email today though because we are partnering with Brevard Rotary to do trash pick up on Wilson Rd on March 13th. Would you and some of your members be willing to join my team? I need 5+ people to join. Since it's close to St. Patrick's Day I'm going to have my team dress in garb to have fun and help us stand out more on the road. Thank you for your time. Yvette Brooks [email protected]

Noel talks about the upcoming seed swap

Hello Gardeners, I am sure you all enjoyed the short string of sunshine we were gifted as of late. I bet you noticed as well the day length was longer, at dawn and dusk.  Time to think gardening!  Since humans have been growing food, the challenges have been numerous. With this endeavor came the saving of seeds from the tastiest and most adaptable plants. People today still are making crosses, trying to achieve variety and hardiness.  There are many facets to gardening and seed saving is one of the many. It is a challenge and every plant has its own protocol for ensuring next year’s seeds will be viable and delicious.  But we have the luxury of thousands of varieties of seeds offered to us through garden centers and seed catalogues. Many of you most likely have packets from last year or even earlier. Check out the seed viability charts and learn what seeds are still useful. It is these you can plant this season AND share! https://www.highmowingseeds.co [...]

By |2021-03-01T08:47:01-05:00March 1st, 2021|Categories: Food, Growing food, Help a Neighbor, Noel Thurner|

It is time for our annual seed swap! We are doing this one remotely.

Our last gathering before the lock down of the pandemic was our annual seed swap. I enjoyed growing some of those seeds last year. I always enjoy shared seeds and plants. They have a story and I smile when I tend to the plants and remember the soul who shared them. We have beautiful Cardinal flowers and Green and Golds given to us by friends and they warm my heart every time I see them. It is like they are in our garden, beautifying it. Noel of our Eating Consciously team, sent me some seeds out of the blue last year and we have been enjoying the Arugula and Collards since. It was so nice to receive a surprise in the mail with a handwritten loving note. Noel and I were recently discussing seed swapping and we both were thinking of how to do it during a pandemic and she suggested using the US Mail. I loved it! I think hand-written letters sent in the mail are a [...]

By |2021-02-15T09:10:19-05:00February 15th, 2021|Categories: Eating Consciously, Food, Food preservation, Growing food, Help a Neighbor, Noel Thurner|
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